Buried with Challenges In Deploying & Securing Your Remote Workforce?

The current health scare crisis is adding additional challenges for MSP’s in both securing systems connected remotely which are not part of the domain and having to so while handling even more requests.

Are you gearing up so that your technicians don’t get buried by calls from users needing to connect their home printer/scanner, install remote meeting software, or update their clocks?

As you know, it’s a challenge having users work remotely because you can’t predict every specific thing that may require additional privileges, and you need to keep them safe. You can be assured that when your users do figure out what they need that requires Admin privileges they will need you to respond instantly. Unfortunately, this rarely happens when it’s convenient for your team, but it will be ‘mission critical’ from their point of view.

AutoElevate can help! In these critical moments when privileges are required, users won’t have to call or even type out a service request to your team. Technicians will be automatically notified and privileges can be elevated directly and immediately, allowing users to continue on with their work in an effortless and painless way.

Technicians with our Notification App can quickly and easily evaluate the request and build rules to either accept or deny the request for one computer or one thousand, FAST. With AutoElevate installed on remote machines your technical staff won’t have to wonder what the current password scheme is, constantly enter in their credentials, or build elaborate scripts to rotate passwords. You can rest assured that both your technicians and clients will be operating with the right amount of Admin privileges to get their job done while keeping them secure.


Whitelist Applications Or Actions To Automatically Elevate With Admin Privileges

Take granular control over privileges so they aren’t an “all or nothing” proposition and give your clients a superior user experience

Click Below To See How Elevation Whitelisting Works

Empower Your Staff To Instantly Evaluate, Validate, and Approve Elevation Requests in Seconds

Approve from your Android, or iOS device, browser, or directly from inside your ticket

See How Quick & Easy Real-Time Privilege Evaluation Is

Secure Admin Privileges Internally and at All Your Client Sites - No AD Required

Passwords are automatically rotated, aren’t stored anywhere, transmitted anywhere, or need to be looked up anywhere

Secure Local Admin Access Without Having To Remember Passwords

AutoElevate - The Only “PAM” Designed For MSPs. Multi-Tenant, Brandable, Channel Only, & PSA Integrated

We understand that the organizations you take care of everyday are at varying stages of the digital transformation, and that ever-present cyber security threats create an increasingly complex IT environment for you to manage securely, but…

It’s time to get your house in order with the basic best practices internally and at your client sites!

Both you and your clients are a prime target! Instead of suffering a breach or losing clients - improve your operational security today by implementing the ‘best practice’ of removing Admin privileges with AutoElevate.

Enforcing the principle of least privilege by not allowing users to have Admin privileges will drastically reduce the attack surface of your managed environments and should be on your ‘short-list’ of items to put into practice immediately.

AutoElevate shares your common goal of keeping your client’s environment more secure and creating a better user experience.

U.S. National Security Agency – “NSA’S Top Ten Cybersecurity Mitigation Strategies”

“Assign privileges based on risk exposure and as required to maintain operations. Use a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution to automate credential management and fine-grained access control. … Privileged accounts and services must be controlled because threat actors continue to target administrator credentials to access high-value assets, and to move laterally through the network.”

U.S. Department of Homeland Security – “Before You Connect a New Computer to the Internet”

Operate under the principle of least privilege. In most instances of malware infection, the malware can operate only using the privileges of the logged-in user. To minimize the impact of a malware infection, consider using a standard or restricted user account (i.e., a non-administrator account) for day-to-day activities. Only log in with an administrator account—which has full operating privileges on the system—when you need to install or remove software or change your computer’s system settings.”

Australian Government – Australian Cyber Security Centre – “Essential Eight Explained”

Restrict administrative privileges to operating systems and applications based on user duties. Regularly revalidate the need for privileges. Don’t use privileged accounts for reading email and web browsing. Why: Admin accounts are the ‘keys to the kingdom’. Adversaries use these accounts to gain full access to information and systems.”

No More Excuses

Special Ramp-up Incentives Of Up To 90% Off

Fill out the MSP pricing request and upon completion you’ll receive customized pricing & licensing options along with special incentives of up to 90% off. These special incentives will end April 17th 2020 so don’t miss out. 

“AutoElevate has proven to be the most cost-effective and straight-forward solution for bringing privilege escalation to our clients at NCG. This is the only tool in our stack that made another MSP partner say “Wow, what was that?! when seen on a remote session.

I would recommend AutoElevate to any MSP feeling the pain of privilege management. We are thrilled to have them in our stack."

Mason Walker

CSO, Network Computing Group (aka NCG)

“I wanted to let you know that one of our clients was attacked last night.  Fortunately for us, we had AutoElevate installed so we could see what account was compromised, and eliminate the issue almost immediately. Bravo to you guys!!  Because of AutoElevate, we prevented hours of pain for all parties.

Tripp McIntyre

IT Support Engineer, Comtech Network Solutions

“AutoElevate has been really easy to work with. Requests that would have taken technicians a long time now just takes minutes.  We’ve been able to whitelist a lot of known applications, so our clients are happy and actually feel like they have more control than before. AutoElevate works! It’s nice to buy something and it works as advertised. It’s been a very nice value ad for us.”

William Pote

CEO, eTOP Technology, Inc.

“I didn’t ‘get it’ before but HOLY COW Ticketing in Technician Mode is awesome!

Adam Fomotor

Founder, Agile Enterprise Management

“In today's world of darkweb and malware threats - every IT professional should be utilizing AutoElevate because they can lock everything down and not create a huge volume of work. Locking everything down (with no exceptions) has made a world of difference. However, prior to AutoElevate it also meant that no one could update anything which generated a lot of ticket volume for our practice. When we discovered AutoElevate it literally made this issue go away overnight. Now when our customers go for an update, the technician can create a rule, approve or deny the request right from their phone and we never have to hear from them. It has cut our ticket volume by 65%. Our clients love it because they are interested in speed and efficiency.”

Chris Wanamaker

CEO, GeeksHD

"I have to be honest, since I moved to AutoElevate, I haven’t used an Admin password on a workstation. I trialed it for 2 days and then told the owner I’d buy it out of my pocket if he said no. Seriously, though, AutoElevate is just what Admin access should be. I have to say, for me it’s by far the most cost effective tool I have."

Will G.

Network Administrator, (MSPGeek Slack Channel User)

“With AutoElevate our clients get to do what they want to do quicker so they’re happy!... My Technicians say it does all the right things… Clients are not doing anything we don’t know about and if they try to do something, we’ll see it!... AutoElevate allows us to respond quickly, no log in and it’s automatic.

Howard Cunningham

President, Macro Systems, LLC

This is an excellent product that is saving us time, creating efficiencies around operations and most of all securing our clients environments. Ever get the call from the business owner that "needs" local admin rights to install software whenever he wants? This provides a solution for that - a good one.

Ryan Smith

Director, Redbrick Technology Limited

Auto Elevate is a great tool that instantly lowered calls for basic installs to our helpdesk. It allowed us to resolve some issues with certain client apps requiring local admin as well. The integration works great with our triage & helpdesk process. Todd & the team are also VERY responsive which is nice for something that has become part of our core stack.

James Delfino

Senior Systems Administrator, Platform 24

“We have mortgage companies which utilize a Line of Business software that needs continual updates. This has been a nightmare for my team, getting calls to remote in and get credentials takes time and coordination. If the updates aren’t done and pop ups are ignored, their software can become out of sync with the rest of the company. With AutoElevate this problem has completely disappeared.

AutoElevate saves so much time compared to taking a call, opening a ticket, jumping on their machine and waiting with them because then they want you to wait on the phone with them for the install to complete. With AutoElevate you can pre- approve, hit yes, and go. In our industry the more time you can save the better and AutoElevate allows technicians to focus on other more important things.

From a security standpoint it is a great tool! It gives us notification immediately, if a UAC pops up previously it was hard to know what your clients where trying to do, that’s not the case anymore.

If you are an MSP looking to increase prices with some clients look to AutoElevate for more value, it offers increased end point security and they can be more productive with automatic updates”

Mike Bloomfield

CEO, Tekie Geek LLC


How much does it cost and where do I get it?

AutoElevate is sold exclusively through our Manage Service Provider partners. Use the following links if you would like a partner to contact you with additional details, demo, pricing, or a free trial.

Is AutoElevate hard to deploy?

No. We’ve made it super easy so that it can deployed across your MSP practice in minutes. We’re here to help you every step of the way. AutoElevate is deployed by installing the AEAgent onto workstations. The AEAgent is a small lightweight MSI file which can be deployed silently with just about any RMM tool, System Policies, or manually by your administrators. For your convenience we have published a full set of ConnectWise™ Automate, Kaseya VSA™, Datto RMM™, SyncroMSP™, or PowerShell scripts which can help you deploy the agents throughout your environment within minutes.

How much memory and disk space does the AutoElevate Agent require?

The AutoElevate Agent is very lightweight, consisting of 3 processes that run once a user is logged in. The processes collectively use approximately 40MB of memory and 820KB of disk space. We have not experienced the agent causing any slowness or resource issues and have tested it on machines running with as little as 2GB of memory.


What outbound ports need to be opened on the firewall at our MSP and/or at our client sites?

443 outbound is all that should be required. So if you’re able to go to secure websites you should be OK.

What happens if my technicians don’t respond to a client request before the timer is up?

When the end user has made a request and the timer expires, an additional dialog box will appear that states that the technician is evaluating the request, a ticket has been opened and that they will be notified as soon as a technician responds. When a technician does respond, a new notification appears for the user telling them their request has been approved or denied and allowing them to continue the installation or with additional ticket information.

Does AutoElevate enter in my admin password for end users?

No. AutoElevate does not store, use, or modify your Admin credentials. AutoElevate gives you the choice on any rule or elevation request to use either an ‘over-the-shoulder’ style Admin elevation or to elevate with the context of the currently logged in user. AutoElevate interacts with the UAC directly when an elevation of an approved process is required, allowing for compatibility and elevation of complex applications. Credentials are not stored in a database or transmitted over the network making security tighter, faster, and easier to manage.


How does AutoElevate work?

AutoElevate automates Windows UAC prompts for MSPs. Our software Agent service works in the background to apply proactive elevation rules to each UAC event or to notify a technician through one of our PSA ticketing integrations, Windows notifications, or via our AutoElevate Mobile App (or all 3). Technicians can quickly and easily evaluate the request and build rules to either accept or deny the requested installer, application, update, or system action which can be allowed just one time,  for just this single computer,  for a group of computers, a whole client, or for all of the computers under your management. For more detailed information on how the AutoElevate system works please sign-up and visit our support site.

Are approvals app based or version based?

Approvals can be done based on either MD5 hash or a combination of information from the verified publisher certificate, name, and path. By identifying the file in these various ways, approvals or denials can successfully take place regardless of where the file originates and for a wide range of scenarios and requirements. Core applications and/or updates for applications such as Quickbooks™, Zoom™, or UPS WorldShip™ (or countless others) can be approved. With PAM automation you now have options.

Will adjustments need to be made to our installed antivirus?

None. AutoElevate works well with other solutions in your solution stack.

Am I charged for extra technicians?

With the release of the Enhanced Technician Mode features in 2020 each agent tier includes a corresponding number of technician user licenses with some licensing tiers including unlimited technician users. Currently, to have additional user licenses requires moving into a higher tier which includes the desired number of User (technician) licenses.

Who receives the notifications from end users?

All technicians that have the Mobile Notification app installed will receive notifications from your clients. They can quiet the notifications by adjusting notifications on their phones.

MSPs that use PSA ticketing integration (Autotask PSA, ConnectWise Manage, Kaseya BMS, & Syncro) can view notifications and approve or deny elevation requests directly in their PSA tickets. Tickets generated by AutoElevate have custom statuses which can be used to build customized notifications from within the ticketing systems. Requests can also be viewed and responded to from within the Admin Portal.

By enabling browser notifications technicians have easy 1-click access to approve or deny requests and receive notifications on their macOS or Windows computer desktops directly.

Do I have to have my own on-premise server?

No. AutoElevate is a cloud based service and software platform. All you have to have to get started is a license key and instructions. We maintain the server, the mobile apps, security, updates, and web portals.